Convergent/ISP Billing software, RADIUS Server, AAA, HSS and PCRF

For all service providers

For over two decades, Aradial Technologies has been at the forefront of delivering comprehensive billing, CRM, RADIUS/AAA, policy contol (PCRF) and network control solutions to service providers of all sizes.

Our scalable platform seamlessly integrates with existing IT and network infrastructure, serving both emerging providers and established operators with millions of subscribers.

Aradial offers products that open a whole new set of possibilities for ISPs, MNO/MVNO/MVNE, Hotspots, WISP, LTE, FTTH, Mobile 3G/4G/5G, IOT, WIMAX, VOIP, IPTV, ASPs and Wireless LAN. With successful deployments across 80+ countries serving over 1000 operators, we understand the diverse needs of modern telecom businesses.

Aradial solutions infrastructures supports the following services:

  • ISP/FTTH - ISP managment system - Broadband, FTTH, xDSl, WISP (e.g. Juniper ERX, Cisco, Redback SmartEdge, ALU, Hauwei, ZTE and others
  • WISP & Long distance WiFi (e.g. Ubiquiti, Cambium, Ruckus Wireless, Altai, Mimosa, Aruba, RADWIN)
  • WISP/WiFi Hotspots (e.g. Mikrotik, Nomadix, Colubris, ValuePoint, Linksys, Coova, Chillispot, Zyxel and others)
  • LTE/5G - Airspan, Telrad, YATE, Neragon, Aricent, EU-CAST, IPLook, Druid, Baicells and other EPC core.
  • Mobile 2G/3G - MNO - GPRS Wireless or PDSN Mobile operators.
  • MVNO/MNO - full billing support integrating with the Core network (e.g. YATEBTS).
  • IOT.
  • Voice and VOIP providers.
  • DPI -Deep packet inspetion - Cambium QoE, Preseem, Allot, Sandvine, SAISEI, Cisco, IPOQUE and others.
  • WiMAX / AeroMax - Airspan, Telrad, Wichorus, Cambium, ALU, Hauwei and more.
  • VSAT - including Hub integration (example: Gilat) and others.
  • Cable Companies.

Core Products:
  • ARCB - a fully-featured Convergent Billing system with AAA and PCRF support
  • PCRF - Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF)
  • AAA - RADIUS server and/or Diameter server
  • Enforcer and Spotngo payment system - Prepaid system with AAA

  • Features and Modules:
  • Convergent Billing: Prepaid and Postpaid Billing Software.
  • Multiple services: ISP, Wifi, WISP, Fiber, VOIP/VOICE, Mobile 2G/3G/4G/5G, LTE, MVNO/MVNE, IOT and Wimax.
  • CRM / Customer service management.
  • Automated recurring charges and invoicing.
  • AI digital online assistance and help.
  • Comprehensive REST API for integrations.
  • Tiered role based administration.
  • Trouble ticketing.
  • Inventory management.
  • SIM Inventory management.
  • Workforce management.
  • Online charging server (OCS).
  • Carrier grade RADIUS server / AAA.
  • Carrier grade DIAMETER server.
  • Rule based rating engine.
  • Aradial Policy Controller - PCRF - QoS controller.
  • Telephony and VOIP module.
  • Partner management (PRM) including hierarchies, agencies, reseller, affiliates and business partners.
  • MVNO, MNO and VISP managment.
  • ISP managment system and billing system.
  • Advanced Captive Portal and Self care with responsive design.
  • Voucher managment (VMS) - top-up voucher cards to refill existing user accounts.
  • Prepaid Cards. VOIP Calling Cards
  • Payment Integration - Support for multiple payment gateways (30+) and mobile money services - IPPay, DPO Group,, Stripe, Tigg, MPesa, etc.
  • LTE compliancy and HSS.
  • Pre-integrated with various DPI and QoS enforcers.
  • CPE/IP devices monitoring.
  • IPv6 support.
  • Enables easy and quick migration from Legacy system.
  • Learn more: Aradial Convergent Billing

isp billing, isp billing software, wisp billing software
converged billing, convergent billing software

Convergent Billing

Aradial Convergent Billing software including Prepaid and Postpaid, Subscription billing, ISP Billing, AAA, PCRF, LTE billing, HSS, CRM and PRM.

Radius server and Diameter Server

Radius server for ISP, VOIP, DSL/PPPoE/FTTH/Fiber,MNO/MVNO.
OS: radius server Windows, radius server Linux ...

Mobile MNO 3G/4G/5G, IOT and MVNO billing

An adaptation of the Convergent billing and AAA (Diameter & RADIUS) for LTE, LTE HSS, 3G Cellular/Mobile (3GPP, GSM and CDMA2000), PCRF, M2M, IOT Billing...

Hotspot Billing Software

A special Hotspot Billing Software version, includes RADIUS, captive portal, point of sale for WISP/Hotels/Internet Cafe/3G Wifi offloading...


Radius server for VOIP and VOIP billing. Support Mobile voice and MVNO

Wimax billing

Advanced WiMAX radius server and WiMAX billing solutions including AeroMACS...


Aradial fully supports WIMAX NWG Forum AAA and wimax billing capabilities.

Special module for AeroMACS including the new AeroMACS standard.

Special module for Wifi offloading include MAP gateway and Diameter Swx.

Special module for MVNO, M2M Billing & AAA and advanced business partnering and PRM module.

Aradial performs several Mobile Wifi 3G Offloading solution in Africa, APAC and America.

Special module for Telrad HSS.

Aradial integrates and deploys with Preseem

Aradial integrates and deploys with Cambium QoE

Aradial integrates and deploys with Procera/Sandvine

Aradial integrates and deploys with Allot

Ruckus & Ubiquiti billing deployments with Zone Director and vSCG.

Cambium CnPilot/CnMaestro multiple billing deployments.

Mikrotik OS full support for both Wifi/Hotspot and ISP broadband (PPPoE, FTTH).

PCRF and LTE Billing and charging: DIAMETER server (Gx/Gy/Ro/Rf).

ISP managment system and billing system deployment world-wide.

Wireless LAN, ADSL, ISP/WISP & VOIP RADIUS Server and Billing version 8.x for Windows and Linux.

Aradial version 8.x Converged ISP Billing, Prepaid and Postpaid and Policy Control (PCRF) for Telecom Billing.

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